Estonia: Jüri Pootsmann & Elina Born release Jagatud Saladus

by Stefano 925 views

We love when former Eurovision representatives get together to create music! This time we head to the Baltics, to see what Jüri Pootsmann and Elina Born have created for us: it’s Jagatud saladus!

We are used to discovering new hits from former Eurovision representatives, but when two of them come together to create music, Eurofans go bananas. Jüri Pootsmann (Estonia, 2016) and Elina Born (Estonia, 2015) have just released Jagatud saladus. Are you ready for it?

But wait, there’s more!

Moreover, the two singers recently performed their song live together at the final of the Estonian version of Pop Idol, Eesti otsib superstaari. Watch it here: