Eurovision 2025: The Host City race is about to kick off….

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 2,488 views

Get ready for cheese, chocolate, and catchy tunes because Switzerland is set to host the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest! After Nemo’s epic victory in Malmo with their unforgettable song, Switzerland is buzzing with excitement to take center stage next year. But the big question remains: which city will get the glorious honor?

Several Swiss cities have thrown their hats (or rather, intricately embroidered Tyrolean hats) into the ring. Zurich, the country’s bustling financial hub, boasts the Hallenstadion, a massive arena known for hosting epic concerts. St. Gallen, nestled amidst stunning scenery, is a strong contender with its modern venue. Geneva, the international heart of Switzerland, offers the impressive PalaExpo convention center. But the dark horse seems to be Basel, with the historic St. Jakobshalle ready to be transformed into a Eurovision wonderland.

The competition is fierce, with each city promising a unique Eurovision experience. Zurich envisions a dazzling lightshow reflecting off Lake Zurich, while St. Gallen dreams of a charming, fairytale-like atmosphere. Geneva highlights its international flair, while Basel focuses on its cultural heritage and vibrant music scene.

So far the following cities have showcased their interest to host Eurovision 2025:

Bern, the majestic Swiss Capital is yet to decide if it will be bidding to host the competition. It seems highly unlikely neither Lausanne or Lugano will bid to host the event (both cities have hosted the event before).  We have to wait a tad longer to see which cities submit a bid and how many of them will be eligible to host the after meeting requirements.

The suspense is delicious! Fans are eagerly speculating online, with many rooting for Zurich due to its central location, international flight connections, large hotel room capacity and spacious venue. But don’t count out the other cities – they’re all bringing their A-game.

One thing’s for sure: Eurovision 2025 in Switzerland promises to be unforgettable. Imagine yodeling replacing the traditional interval act, enthusiastic audiences waving giant Swiss flags, and of course, the most epic after-party this side of the Alps. The official announcement of the host city is expected in September, so mark your calendars, Eurovision fanatics – Switzerland is about to serve up a musical feast for the ages!

Source: ESCToday
Photo credit: Zurich Tourism