Denmark: Dansk MGP juries revealed

by Fernando Méndez 502 views

The Danish broadcaster DR announced this Monday who will be the judges of the five regional juries and their spokespersons. These five panels of experts will hold half of the responsibility to decide who will be representing Denmark in the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest.

As announced a few weeks ago, the format of the voting this year in the Danish national selection was to be rebooted with the comeback of the Danish regions into the DMGP as part of the MGP 2.0 version that DR set in motion this year. The audience will have 50% of the decision in their hands, counting their vote in one single pool, and the other half will be up to 5 juries, one for each region of Denmark.

DR has unveiled the names of the members of those five juries and the spokespersons who will announce the decisions of the judges on 7 February. Each panel will count on three music experts who will grant 1 to 8 points, 10 and 12 points to the competing entries, mimicking the voting system of the Eurovision Song Contest. This gives 290 points distributed by the juries, the same amount that the audience vote will have.

The juries of experts

The judges that will be voting next Saturday are some of the most renowned musicians and artists in Denmark, with plenty of past DMGP winners and Eurovision participants.

The jury members are the following:

  • For the Capital Region (Hovedstaden), Søren Poppe (Winner of DMGP in 2001 and Eurovision entrant with Rollo & King) as spokesperson with the radio host Pelle Peter Jensen and the singer Anna David.
  • For Zealand (Sjælland), the spokesperson is Tim Schou (Eurovision entrant for Denmark with A friend in London in 2011), with Maria Montell and Lars Trillingsgaard in the region’s jury.
  • For the Central Denmark Region (Midtjylland) the DMGP winner in 1999 Trine Jepsen will announce the votes that she and the writer Claus Visbye and the singer Jette Torp will allocate.
  • For the North Denmark Region (Nordjylland), Lotte Feder (Denmark’s Eurovision entrant in 1992) will give the jury’s result. The other judges are Jan H. Jensen (music expert at the radio station ANR) and the radio host Henrik Milling.
  • For Southern Denmark (Syddanmark), the MGP winner and Danish Eurovision entrant in 2005 Jakob Sveistrup will be the spokesperson; the other judges will be the former DMGP participant Trine Gadeberg and Maria Theessink (music manager and artistic director of the Tonder Festival).

The Dansk MGP will take place on 7 February at the Gigantium in Aalborg, host by Esben Bjerre and Jacob Riising. The winner of the Danish competition will be the representative of the country in the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest in May in Vienna.

Stay tuned to for more news on the DMGP and Denmark.