Croatia’s Eurovision 2018 representative Franka and her entry Crazy have been immortalized by artist Marko Barišić.
The Crazy-artwork by Marko Barišić is the largest drawing of his Black Series, created with white pastel and chalk applied to black paper.
Marko Barišić, a self-taught Croatian artist living in northern Bosnia, was inspired by Franka Batelić and her ESC 2018 entry Crazy. The rhythm of the song seems to fit Mako Barišić’ flowing style, creating an image that is both realistic yet conveying an almost dreamlike fluidity.
Watch Marko Barišić’ piece Crazy in progress:
Franka – CraZy ARt #crazy #igocrazy #esc2018 #eurovisionsongcontest #teamcro #crazyshirtWhite pastel and chalk on black paper, size 70×100 cm Support and Follow @markobarisicart on Instagram
Geplaatst door Marko Barisic ART op zaterdag 24 maart 2018
Franka is of course very honoured by the artists’ work:
Geplaatst door Franka op zaterdag 24 maart 2018
WOW/WOW! @markobarisic #crazy #iGocrazy
Geplaatst door Franka op zaterdag 24 maart 2018
For information about Marko Barišić and his work visit his official Facebook page, official Instagram page and official Youtube channel.
About Franka
Franka Batelić, or simply Franka (Rijeka, Croatia, 1992) is a Croatian singer-songwriter.
Franka began singing at a young age, joining a church choir and later visiting Berklee College of Music. She gained recognition after winning the first season of the Croatian music competition Showtime in 2007. Franka released several successful singles following her victory in the show.
In 2008 Franka’s single Ruža u kamenu was submitted for, and eventually won, the OGAE Song Contest, organized by the network of Eurovision fan clubs. Franka also participated in Croatia’s selection for Eurovision 2009, eventually placing 7th.
Franka at Eurovision 2018
After being internally selected by broadcaster HRT, Franka will represent Croatia at Eurovision 2018 with the song Crazy, composed and written by herself and Branimir Mihaljević, produced by Branimir Mihaljević and Denis Mevlja.
Franka will perform Crazy in the second half of Semi-Final 1 on Tuesday 8 May 2018: