Watch now: Finland selects for Copenhagen

by Pete Lewis 535 views

Tonight the final of Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu 2014 will air on YLE, the Finnish national broadcaster, as Finland selects their entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 2014.

Eight acts have reached the final after progressing through heats and a semi-final, which took place over the last few weeks. Two acts, Softengine and Hanna Sky, reached the final automatically after winning their respective heats, whilst the other six finalists earned their places after qualifying from last Saturday’s semi-final.

The Show

The eight finalists will perform their potential Eurovision entries in a show broadcast live from the Barona Areena in Espoo. The winner will be decided by a combination of public and judges votes, each accounting for 50% of the over all outcome.

The panel of judges, made up of Redrama (rapper), Toni Wirtanen (singer), Tomi Saarinen (head of YleX) and Aija Puurtinen (singer and music professor), will score each song out of ten.
Their scores will then be turned into a percentage and added to the public voting percentage to determine the winner of UMK 2014.

Krista Siegfrids, Finland’s representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013, will be opening the show and performing during the interval.

How to watch


The final begins at 20:00 CET, with a preview show (UMKPlus) beginning at 19:30 CET.


The participants

  1. SoftengineSomething better
  2. Hanna SkyHope
  3. MIAUGod/Drug
  4. Lauri MikkolaGoing down
  5. MadCraftShining bright
  6. Mikko PohjolaSängyn reunalla
  7. Clarissa feat. Josh StandingTop of the world
  8. Hukka ja MamaSelja


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Finland debuted at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1961 and has won the event once in 2006 with Lordi’s Hard Rock Hallelujah, and last year they were represented by Krista Siegfrids, finishing 24th in the grand final with her entry Marry me.

Who do you want to win UMK 2014 and represent Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014?