The countdown to the Spanish Eurovsion selection Mision Eurovision is on as more and more names of the finalists are being revealed. Preparations are already in full swing and TVE has started a grand promotional campaign on its channels. Massiel, the beloved 1968 Spanish Eurovision winner, has appeared on these promotional ads inviting everyone to join toguether and choose the best song and singer to represent Spain in the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Helsinki.
Mision Eurovision will kick off on Tuesday the 9thJanuary at 22:00 CET on TVE1 and will be telecast liveviasatelliteforviewersacrossEurope andAmericaon TVE International. You can find the dates for the seven shows that are going to choose the Spanish song and representative and learn more about theprocedurehere.
Six more names have beenrevealed to compete in Mision Eurovision. Diego Cosio, Mirela, Coral, Nessa, Grupo Hotel Cochambre and Baltanas are the new acts to be added on the list. They will be joining Davinia Gloria, La Decada Prodigiosa, Nazaret, Javier Enzo, Maria Lopez, Fran Pahino, Paco Arrojo, Sheila Rodriguez, Ybraem, Miguel Canadas, Montse Mallorquin andAmaia Saizar in their quest to represent Spain in Helsinki.
More names and details will be revealed shortly concerning the artists and composers. esctoday will keep you all posted with the latest developmentson Mision Eurovision.