France: Mariline Maro celebrates new album

by Yann Messina 134 views

French-Caribbean artist Mariline Maro, who represented France on the occasion of the Eurovision Song Contest held in Birmingham in 1998, is back with a brand new album titled Youknow. The album will be available for download on all legal digital platforms as from 18 November, before a special showcase on the stage of Le China musical hall in Paris on 20 November.

The long-awaited album which perfectly reflects Mariline’s artistic sensibility, mixing afro, soul and pop influences, i.e., her own definition of world music will be available on iTunes, Deezer, YouTube, Amazon, etc. as from tomorrow. No less than 5 songs are already online and give an idea of the artistic universe of the talented singer and musician. Mariline has composed her personal music, with all her emotional sensibility & energy, that characterizes her work beautifully. Feminine, elegant, sweet and strong. Mariline Maro will be showcasing her latest material together with her musicians and friends on the stage of Le China music hall in Paris on 20 November.

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