Cyprus: Great public support at Cyprus Unplugged

by Helio Qendro 146 views

The Cypriot trio Anna Vissi, Constantinos Christoforou and Despina Olympiou gave a successful show at Cyprus Unplugged and receive great reaction from the audience.

European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou has thanked the public for their fantastic support at the Cyprus Unplugged benefit concert which took place at the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels on 9 November. Almost 1.000 people attended the event, which featured Cypriot music legend Anna Vissi with Constantinos Christoforou and Despina Olympiou. Organised under the patronage of Commissioner Vassiliou, the concert raised around €12.000 for charities on the island supporting disadvantaged children and families.

I felt immensely proud and moved to be part of this unforgettable event. I am very grateful for the fantastic support we received from the public – and from the artists of course. As well as being treated to some wonderful performances, I think everyone present felt a real sense of unity and solidarity with the people of Cyprus and Greece who have suffered during the crisis. The message from everyone present was clear: we are with you said Commissioner Vassiliou.

There was no mistake on the main star of the evening, as Anna Vissi took the stage to roars of approval from the audience, who accompanied her every note in noisy unison.

It may have said unplugged on the posters, but the atmosphere was electric, said one audience member after the concert.

Commissioner Vassiliou and Ambassador Korneliou joined Anna Vissi on stage at what should have been the close of the show due to the Bozar’s time constraints. But, with the crowd demanding more, Vissi continued for nearly another hour – at one point leaving the stage to perform among the audience.

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