is proud and honoured to announce that on Monday 23 September we will be publishing the 1st part of our exclusive interview with Sietse Bakker, Eurovision Song Contest Event Supervisor.
Esctoday’s Managing Director Michalis Vranis had a tête-à-tête with Sietse Bakker the Eurovision Song Contest Event Supervisor, where he got a chance to learn and find out many details regarding the Eurovision Song Contest. Eurovision fans and followers will be curious and quizzed to find out the answers to the many of the questions that we put forward.
- Will Greece participate at the forthcoming 2014 Eurovision Song Contest?
- What is the EBU’s point of view on Turkey’s withdrawal?
- What does the future have in store for the Eurovision Song Contest?
- Will there be any new countries joining the Eurovision Song Contest bandwagon next year?
- Will there be any sanctions implemented against the alleged countries involved in wrongdoing?
- Has the recent mediatic frenzy regarding the vote rigging tarnished brand Eurovision’s reputation?
- Why have the jury rules changed for 2014?
- How will the new rules work?
- How effective will the new rules be?
- Will we get to see the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest results ?
- Will the EBU reduce the participation fees for the Eurovision Song Contest?
- How has the financial crisis affected the Eurovision Song Contest?
- Will the running order of the future Eurovision editions be the same as in 2013, where the producers have a free hand to decide the running order?
- Will we see any more changes in the Eurovision Song Contest in the future?
- How is the EBU working on getting the countries who have withdrawn from the contest back in the competition?
Esctoday has put together a series of questions in this interview to quelch the thirst of our readers, who follow the contest earnestly and religiously every year.
As the Eurovision Song Contest approaches its 60th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) in 2015, we all have witnessed how our beloved contest has grown and changed since its birth in 1956 when 7 countries debuted in the very first edition. Today the number of participants has grown immensely, bringing the number of participant countries to 43 (2008 Eurovision Song Contest). A total of 51 countries have participated in the event (including Yugoslavia, Serbia- Montenegro, Morocco). Throughout the years the contest has garnered popularity, name and fame. Currently we are witnessing how the Eurovision Song Contest is entering into a new era: multimedia, social networking, technology etc.
Stay tuned to for Sietse Bakker’s exclusive interview!