“Bring Agnes back!” say fans

by Richard West-Soley 74 views

An online survey has appeared urging Swedish broadcaster SVT to give disqualified artist Agnes Carlsson a second chance at Melodifestivalen 2007.

The former Pop Idol winner was disqualified after Agnes leaked details of her entry in an interview to the newspaper Aftonbladet on 5th October. Melodifestivalen mogul Christer Björkman confirmed the news to esctoday.com: "Yes, we had to disqualify Agnes' song. We are in the process of replacing her now".

But now, fans have banded together to petition SVT to give Agnes' entry another chance. The petition, at namninsamling.se, is rapidly collecting names, and the pressure is on to reinstate the popular artist.

Although Agnes was in breach of SVT's rules, one possiblity may be to include the song as a wildcard entry. Whatever the decision, the subject is bound to be hotly debated amongst fans and TV officials over the coming days.

Richard West-Soley

Senior Editor

Richard's ESC history began way back in 1992, when he discovered the contest could fuel his passion for music and languages. Since then, it's been there at every corner for him in some way or another. He joined the esctoday.com team back in 2006, and quickly developed a love for writing about the contest. In his other life, he heads the development team at the learning resources company Linguascope, and writes about all aspects of language learning on the site Polyglossic.com.