2013 Eurovision interviews: Elitsa and Stoyan from Bulgaria

by Vasileios Terzopoulos 548 views

In our series of interviews of 2013 Eurovision Song Contest participants we go to Sofia, Bulgaria and pose a few questions to Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankulov-Stundzhi.

Elitsa and Stoyan were selected via an internal selection to represent Bulgaria at the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest. The Bulgarian duo kindly answered esctoday.com’s questions:

1. It’s been six years since your first participation to the Eurovision Song Contest. How and why did you decide to take part again?

ET: The numerous letters of fans from all over Europe and all Bulgarians who all keep saying that our song “Water” (Voda) has been their favourite for winning the contest in 2007.

SY: This is my profession and my job, and I love my job.


2. Your music is a fusion of traditional ethnic sounds from the Balkans and modern, electronic ones along with an extended use of drums and percussion. How would you describe this combination? What makes you passionate about it?

ET: Love and the eyes of the children are my inspiration. The spirit of our ancestors lives in our music and this gives us great power.

SY: I like to play different musical styles and to blend them together. I draw my inspiration from our rich folklore, my fellow musicians and friends.


3. Do you have any specific influences by any artist in your music or in the way you work?

ET: Our duet has always kept its authentic image, but we are inspired by professionals in all genres of music and the arts.

SY: I have been influenced mostly by jazz musicians.


4. Your collaboration started in 2003. Ten years later and just before your second participation to the Eurovision Song Contest, what are your future plans? What is your biggest career dream?

ET: Our third studio album is going to be released immediately after Eurovision 2013. It is inspired by our folklore roots and by the modern contemporary styles: beatbox, reggae, hip-hop, and dubstep.

SY: We are about to release a new album and I would like us to have many concerts.


5. What would you change in the Eurovision Song Contest format, if you could do so?

ET: Eurovision is a contest that deserves compliments and compliments only for the professionalism of the team that takes care of the artists’ comfort.

SY: I would say that the contest could also involve jazz music.


6. What is your Eurovision entry Samo Shampioni about? What’s the story behind the song? Is there any special message you want to convey with your song?

ET: Samo Shampioni / Only champions is a song about the power of the spirit; about all champions who manage to overcome the difficulties in their lives, who look courageously ahead, and trust in the beauty of their dreams. A single mother raising her 2 children is a champion as well, a child who has saved another child in a critical situation can be an example to entire nations. I also admire the courageous determination of our athletes in Bulgaria, who train and win and bring joy to our nation. Our song Samo Shampioni / Only champions is dedicated to all of them!

SY: The song is dedicated to all champions around the world and it is inspired by their success and unbending spirit. However, there are champions not only in sports but also in all spheres of life. A mother raising her children is also a champion.


7. If you were not taking part to the Contest, which song would you like to win?

ET: This year there are a lot of nice and melodic songs. I will announce my favourites on 13 April 2013 at the press conference in the Netherlands. I wish success to all musicians in the contest.


8. Can you give us any idea of how your stage performance in Malmӧ is going to be?

ET: Dreams that have come true.

SY: A friendly duel with a sport vibe wrapped in a nice song and a drum show.


9. How are Elitsa and Stoyan in their every day life? How do you spend your free time?

ET: We are dynamic and determined samurais!

SY: In my spare time (if I have such) I do nothing. That’s the way I relax.


10. If you could rule the world for one day, what would you change?

ET: I would be glad to see teleportation in real time and people talking to each other not with words, but via telepathy.

SY: Anything!


11. What is your message to the readers of esctoday.com?

ET: To look ahead and learn to dance Bulgarian “rachenitsa” , it’s very cool!

SY: Appreciate and support your fellow countrymen. Be happy when your neighbor is successful.