For the 4th consecutive year, ESCToday will be collaborating with the INFE Network, in order to present the results of the INFE Poll 2020, starting with each of the 22 participating fan clubs around the continent and beyond, up until the winner’s declaration! We are beginning the announcement of the results of the INFE Poll of 2020 with the Georgian votes!
Day by day, each individual fan club of the INFE (International Network of Fanclubs of Eurovision) Network will be voting for their favourite Eurovision 2019 entries within the traditional Eurovision style: 12 points for their top favourite song, 10 points for their second favourite and from 8 to 1 point for the rest countries making up their Top 10! Which entry will gather the most points this year?
We will start with the final verdict from INFE Georgia! Let’s see how the Georgian points were distributed this year!
Top 10 from INFE Georgia
- 1 point goes to Australia
- 2 points go to Italy
- 3 points go to Azerbaijan
- 4 points go to Albania
- 5 points go to Poland
- 6 points go to Armenia
- 7 points go to Malta
- 8 points go to… Bulgaria
- 10 points go to… Switzerland
- 12 points go to… Lithuania!
The Roop start off the poll at first place, having been awarded 12 points from INFE Georgia! Will the Lithuanian band keep their place in the lead? Tune to ESCToday tomorrow for the next country to reveal their votes!
About INFE Georgia
INFE Georgia, originally known under the name Eurovision Georgian Magazine, firstly entered the INFE Network in 2017. Eurovision Georgian Magazine is one of the most active Eurovision fan clubs in Georgia, aiming to bring more popularity to the competition within the home nation.
As well as keeping their members up-to-date with all of the latest news, the club also hosts a number of Eurovision nights on a regular basis.