Italy: “Soldi” conquers YouTube and Spotify; most heard Italian song ever!

by Stratos Agadellis 4,044 views

A road paved with roses has just begun for Mahmood, as the thing doesn’t come to an end with a successful Eurovision placing. The Eurovision entry of the Italian artist Soldi (Money) has become quite popular among the worldwide audience and is now reportedly the most listened-to Italian song ever!

It all seems that it’s not only about taking home the trophy. Despite not finishing at the very top of the scoreboard in Tel Aviv, Mahmood’s song, voice and his extraordinary stage performance made him receive much recognition and fame across Europe and beyond.

YouTube viewers have gone crazy with the Milanese singer, as his Eurovision song Soldi has surpassed a total of 100 million views, since its premiere day, on 5 February. Another impressive record for an Italian entry, following Francesco Gabbani‘s Occidentali’s karma, which is now counting more than 221 million YouTube views!

81 million Spotify streams; Soldi now gold in Spain

But he won’t stop here! Italy’s Eurovision entry has now been certified as gold in Spain and has reached over 81 million streams on the noted music platform Spotify. Not bad actually, right?

Wanting to share his joy with his followers, Mahmood made the following Instagram post, where he tried to recall his first steps as a musician:

In 2011, I started uploading some covers in English on YouTube and the more I uploaded them, the more the views increased, even reaching 100k, which to me looked like an outstanding result.

Waking up now and realising that Soldi has reached 100M views makes me understand that what I’ve done up until know, I’d do again millions of times.


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Nel 2011 avevo iniziato a mettere delle cover in inglese su YouTube e più ne mettevo più le visualizzazioni aumentavano, anche ad arrivare a 100,000 views, che già mi sembrava un risultato spaventoso. Vedere che il video di SOLDI ha raggiunto 100 milioni di views mi fa capire che tutto ciò che ho fatto fino ad oggi lo rifarei altri milioni di volte. GRAZIE RAGAZZI , GRAZIE DAVVERO. — En 2011 comencé poner cover en inglés en YouTube y cuantas más ponía, más visitas tenía, incluso alcanzando las 100,000 vistas, lo que ya parecía un resultado muy bueno. Ver que el video de SOLDI ha alcanzado los 100 millones de reproducciones me hace comprender que todo lo que he hecho hasta ahora lo haría de nuevo millones de veces. GRACIAS CHICOS, DE VERDAD GRACIAS. — In 2011, I started uploading some covers in English on YouTube and the more I uploaded them, the more the views increased, even reaching 100k, which to me looked like an outstanding result. Waking up now and realising that Soldi has reached 100M views makes me understand that what I’ve done up until know, I’d do again millions of times. Thank you, THANK YOU TRULY

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Mahmood is currently on a summer tour around his country and soon at the popular Montreux Jazz Festival, where he will be meeting up with his Swiss audience. You may find the full schedule of his tour here.

Mahmood at Eurovision

Last February and once again, the winner of the acclaimed Sanremo Music Festival accepted the offer to be Italy’s representative to the Eurovision Song Contest. This year’s event was won by the Milanese young singer Mahmood, who was victorious among 24 finalists (2015 entrants Il Volo were also included).

Since the very beginning, Mahmood and his Eurovision song Soldi, which had both Italian and Arabic lyrics, could be foung high on the bookies’ preferences. Those predictions were finally confirmed, as Italy managed to came 2nd in the Grand Final, earning a total of 472 points (253 from the public and 219 from the national juries).

As a member of the Big 5, Italy didn’t have to compete in one of the two semi-finals of the competition.