Lithuanian broadcaster LRT has unveiled the line-up for the 2019 edition of the country’s ESC selection Eurovizijos Atranka, featuring no less than 49 participants.
And we’re off to Lithuania! The Baltic country’s broadcaster LRT has presented the 49 acts and artists that are set to compete in the national selection Eurovizijos Atranka 2019. The list includes a variety of Lithuanian musicians, including some Eurovizijos veterans ánd a familiar Eurovision face.
The 49 participants
The list includes former Eurovizijos participants such as Edgaras Lubys, Elizabeth Olshey, Jurgis Brūzga, Monika Marija and Saulės kliošas, while one might remember Jurgis Didžiulis from the Eurovision 2010 stage: he represented Lithuania in semi-final 2 as part of the group InCulto with the song Eastern European Funk.
Full list of Eurovizijos Atranka 2019 participants (in alphabetical order):
- Aldegunda
- Algirdas Daumantas Ciūnys
- Allen Cichoo
- Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio dantys
- Arvydas Kriščikas
- Audrius Petrauskas
- Banzzai
- Dagna Kondrotaitė
- Donata Virbilaitė
- Edgaras Lubys
- Elizabeth Olshey
- Emilija Gogolytė
- Emilija Valiukevičiūtė
- Filtered Tools
- Gabriela Ždanovičiūtė
- Gabrielė Rybko
- Giedrius Nakas
- Glossarium
- Gražvydas Sidiniauskas
- Indrė Juodeikienė
- Jurijus Veklenko
- Jurgis Brūzga
- Jurgis Didžiulis
- Justina Budaitė
- Justina Žukauskaitė
- La Forza
- Laimingu būti lengva
- Lukas Bartaška
- MaNNazz
- Matas Ligeika
- Migloko
- Monika Marija
- Original copy
- Paulina Paulauskaitė
- Queens of Roses
- Rūta Statkevičiūtė
- Šarūnas Mačiulis
- Saulės kliošas
- Simona Klušienė
- Sofi
- Soliaris
- Tiramisu
- Tomas Sinickis
- Twosome
- Valdas Lacko
- Valdemars Petersons
- Valerija Iljinaitė
- Viktorija Vyšniauskaitė
- Živilė Gedvilaitė
The participants’ songs will be presented at a later stage.
Eurovizijos Atranka 2019 kicks off on 5 January 2019, consisting of four heats and two semi-finals, with the show’s Grand Final set for 23 February 2019.
Most shows will be pre-recorded, filming starts on 20 December 2018. The professional jury results will thus be known beforehand, while the public televoting will be added once the show starts airing on TV. The combined jury votes and televote will constitute the final result.
The shows will be hosted by presenter Giedrius Masalskis and Miss Lithuania 2008 Gabrielė Martirosianaitė.
Other details regarding the shows will be revealed in due course.
Lithuania at Eurovision 2018
Ieva Zasimauskaitė (Kaunas, Lithuania, 1993) won Eurovizijos Atranka 2018 and subsequently represented Lithuania at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon, Portugal. With the enchanting ballad When we’re old she eventually reached a decent 12th place in the Grand Final, receiving 181 points.