Iceland: Kristján Gíslason bids for Eurovision 2011

by Victor Hondal 122 views

Kristján Gíslason, who represented Iceland in 2001 as part of the group Two Tricky, will try his luck this year again at the Icelandic selection. The singer, who also played backing vocals to Hera Björk in 2010, will sing Albert Guðmann Jónsson's song Þessi þrá together with the band Íslenzka Sveitin.

Kristján already has a wide experience in the Icelandic national selections. He participated as a lead singer in 1991 and 2001, as well as backing vocalist on numerous occasions during the past decade.

The singer explains how similar the situations that led him to participate in the Icelandic selections in both 2001 and 2011 are: "In 2001, I got a phone call the night before New Year's Eve. It was Einar's manager, and he asked me to sing Birta (later Angel) in the Icelandicpreselection. This year, I got a phone call the night before New Year's Eve,exactly 10 years later. It felt strange. Then I listened to the song and it was a done deal for me. It is also great to have a chance to celebrate Angel's 10th anniversary”.

Kristján will be accompanied on stage by the band Íslenzka Sveitin, fronted by Lísa Einardóttir. Lísais a rising star who made herway tothe music scene by placing 3rdin the Icelandic Idol in 2009. Other members of the band are Sigursveinn Þór Árnason (vocals), Albert G. Jónsson (keyboardist and composer of the entry), Ari Steinarsson (drums), Bæring Logason (bass) andKristinn Sturluson (guitar).

Þessi Þrá will be performed at the second semifinal of the 2011 Icelandic selection, scheduled for January 22nd.

Kristján's participation in Eurovision 2001 as a member of Two Tricky, singing Angel: