OGAE Latvia and Riga are getting ready to host the 3rd Eurovision Pre-Party Riga in the beatiful Latvian capital.
The Latvians are all set to party out Swedish style come April, when OGAE Latvia holds the 2016 Eurovision Pre-Party Riga on April 2nd in Riga.
Eurovision PreParty Riga is back for it’s 3rd year! OGAE Latvia is invites Eurovision fans to gather together in Riga next May! The theme of the party will be Sweden, the host country of the forthcoming 2016 Eurovision Song Contest.
If you attend the party, you will feel you are in Sweden! You will be treated to the best of Swedish cuisine and will be able to savour delicious Swedish cuisine. A special exhibition will be held and a special movie will be shown during the event.
The highlight of the event is none other than the 2016 Eurovision participating acts. Many acts from the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest will grace the ocassion and promote their respective Eurovision entries. The concert will be held at the Spikeri Concert Hall in Riga and will kick off at 20:00 EET. Tickets can be bought online here
Miroslavs Kodis, OGAE Latvia president is very pleased to invite everyone to Riga:
This year the Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Sweden and we understand that not everyone who wishes to attend contest will be able to do so. That’s why we want to have a real Swedish party in Riga, so everyone can feel like they’re in Sweden, like at Eurovision. We thank the Embassy of Sweden in Latvia for support in the implementation of this idea. We are wait for everyone at our new venue Spikeri Concert Hall.
About Eurovision Pre Party Riga.
The very first Eurovision Pre-Party Riga was held in March 2014 with only 3 participants taking part, having gained great interest among fans and press, due to the fact that one of the participants was the 2014 Austrian representative Conchita Wurst, who went on to win the Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen. The 2nd edition of the Latvian event was held on April 10, 2015 at the Palladium Concert Hall, celebrating the 60th anniversary of Eurovision Song Contest. A total of 8 acts from Eurovision 2016 attended the concert last year, along with many special guests including 3 ESC winners: Alexander Rybak (Eurovision 2009- Norway), Marie N (Eurovision 2012-Latvia) and Eldar Gasimov (Eurovision 2011- Azerbaijan).
Stay tuned to ESCToday for the latest news on OGAE Latvia, Latvia and the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest.