Italy: San Remo participant to represent Italy

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 65 views

The Italian broadcaster RAI has confirmed that their 2011 Eurovision representative will be chosen from the list of participants at the San Remo 2011 Song Festival scheduled to be held later this month. Former Italian Eurovision representatives Ana Oxa, Luca Barbarossa, Al Bano and Franco Battiato are all in the line up.

According to the official confirmation, "aspecific jury will give a special prize to the artist that is most suitaible to represent our country in Germany".Rai has also mentinonedthat the winner of the Sanremo contest won't necessarily be the artist that will represent Italy in Düsseldorf.

No furtherexplanations have been given yet, the whole procedure will be clearly explained both to the the audience and the jury, during the Sanremo Festival. This is due to the fact that all the information concerning the participating entries is kept underwraps, ie top secret. Thus the songs are only revealed and heard during the first day of the contest.
List of Sanremo 2011 participants:
  • Patty Pravo
  • Moda'
  • Luca Madonia & Franco Battiato
  • Giusy Ferreri
  • La Crus
  • Anna Oxa
  • Tricarico
  • Nathalie
  • Al Bano
  • Luca Barbarossa & Raquel del Rosario
  • Roberto Vecchioni
  • Anna Tatangelo
  • Max Pezzali
  • Davide Van De Sfroos
The impressive start list includes some previous Italian participants at the Eurovision Song Contest, like Franco Battiato (1984), Anna Oxa (1989), Al Bano (1976 & 1985) and Luca Barbarossa (1988), who duets with Raquel del Rosario, lead singer of the popular Spanish band El Sueño de Morfeo.