Lithuania not participating in Hasselt

by Sietse Bakker 2,304 views

Lithuania will not participate in the third edition of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. Jonas Vilimas of broadcaster LRT confirmed that. Earlier, Lithuania appeared on the preliminary list of participants, published at the website of Hasselt's city administration.

No Lithuania
LRT will examine the possibility to enter in the 2006 Junior Eurovision Song Contest. Although Hasselt started a search for Lithuanian speaking delegation hosts, Lithuania will not participate at the end.

Number of participants
The official list of participants of the 2005 Junior Eurovision Song Contest will most likely be made public next week. With Lithuania pulling back and silence from Poland, it is hard to predict the number of participating countries. Weeks ago, Eurovision Song Contest supervisor Svante Stockselius said to that “due to a late, unexpected interest from several broadcasters”, the announcement of the participants' list had to be postponed with several weeks.

Serbia & Montenegro
Yesterday, the Serbian broadcaster confirmed its presence in Hasselt on 26th November.