Finland: 'You're a porn star'

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One day before the third semifinal takes place in Finland, Finnish news paper Iltalehti shows up with a revealing story about Gary Revel jr, one of the participants. Iltalehti found Gary Revel jr posing on pornographic pictures. The singer concerned admitted.

31 year-old Gary Revel jr will be performing in the third semifinal in Finland, taking place tomorrow. After the Finnish newspaper showed up with nude pics, the American singer who has been living in Finland for six year, admitted he had posed for porn pictures in the past.

According to Gary Revel jr, the pictures have been taken in Los Angeles more than ten years ago while being in a crazy mood. Tomorrow, Gary Revel jr will try to reach the final of the Finnish Eurovision Song Contest selections with the song You're a star, composed by Mika Toivanen.