Ukraine: Ani Lorak for Eurovision

by Benny Royston 97 views

Ukraine's national broadcaster, NTU have confirmed via their website this afternoon that Ani Lorak will represent the 2007 runner-up at the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade. The former two time Ukrainian national finalist will represent the country with her third attempt.

The 29 year old singer was the runner-up in the 2005 national final in Ukraine, after qualifying from the semi finals only to be beaten by Greenjolly who were parachuted into the final as a wildcard entry. She shot to fame on Russian tv show 'Morning Star'before going to the USA where she won the Big Apple Music Festival in 1996. She returned to Ukraine where she has become one of the most popular pop stars in the country.

She is also a United Nations good will ambassador in Ukraine helping to fight HIV and AIDS. You can see the video clip of her English language song Car song below.

Stay tuned to for more information about Ukraine's 2008 representative over the coming days.