OGAE Spain launch official website!

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 144 views

OGAE Spain, the Official Spanish Eurovision Fans Club has launched its official website. Spanish and European fans are invited to visit the new website which is entirely in Spanish and offers a variety of features.

Jose Juan Santana, OGAE Spain president, is well recognized among the OGAE members both in Spain and Europe thanks to his diligent work, devotion and dedication as president ofOGAE Spain. He is well respected and appreciated among Spanish fans due to his hard work. TheSpanish websitehas a chicn modern design and is reader friendly.The site has been designed by Miguel Laredo, OGAE Spain vice president,and the official logo has been designed by Armando Garrido.

The OGAE Spain website is entirely in Spanish and contents various sections: OGAE Second Chance Contest, OGAE Video Contest, OGAE Song Contest, OGAE Spanish Congress 2007, OGAE Spanish Congress 2006, Guestbook, Learn About Belgrade, Eurovision Radio, Eurovision- spain news, forum , opinion,OGAEWorld ,Polls,How to join OGAE Spain and What is OGAE ?

You can check out the website by clicking here.

Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani

Head of International Relations & Communications

Sanjay (Sergio) joined esctoday.com in December 2006 as an editor. He was appointed as the Head of Press of ESCToday.com in 2011. Hereafter in 2016 he was promoted as the Head of International Relations & Communications at ESCToday. Sergio has covered the Eurovision Song Contest live 21 times since 2000, having worked for several international magazines and media outlets.