Cyprus and Turkey air previews tonight

by Steve Holyer 97 views

International Eurovision Song Contest experts comment on several more video clip previews for 2007 tonight in Cyprus during the second round of the Cypriot preview shows. Viewers will again have the opportunity to vote for their favorite entry. The Cyprus show will begin at 8.15 CET. Turkey will also broadcast two preview shows later tonight beginning at 23.35 CET. All of these shows are scheduled to be webcast.

As with last week's preview, the Cyprus show will be carried out mostly in English or Greek with English subtitles. The next preview from Cyprus follows tomorrow night 15 April at the same time.

Cyprus previews 14 and 15 April (8.15 CET / 9.15 Cyprus / 7.15 UK) webcast here.
These shows will be carried internationally on RIK SAT.

Turkey will also be hosting two previews tonight. The Turkish previews will begin later in the evening after the Cyprus previews have finished so fans are able to watch both.

Turkey previews 14 April (23.35 CET / 0.35 Turkey / 11.35 UK) webcast here.

Another round of Nordic previews will also take place tomorrow 15 April. Both Iceland and Norway have announced webcasts.