Eurovision Song Contest History book published

by Charlotte Jensen 125 views

�The official history� written by John Kennedy O�Connor is now for sale in its 2007 edition. It is the third edition of the book that includes all the facts, all the funny moments of the Eurovision Song Contest right from its start in 1956 and up til today. This is your chance to make sure you know everything which is worth knowing � and a little bit more.

The 2007 edition will of course be different from the previous releases of the book as it now includes all the facts – and important gossip about the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest held in Athens. Furthermore it has been updated and improved regarding the semi-finals and an even more detailed facts section.

As the outline of the book says itincludes all the interesting things regarding the contest:

"Discussing the fun and the feuds, the high points, the dismal lows, the scandals, the most outrageous outfits, the innovators and the copy cats, this glorious book captures the singular flavour of "Eurovision", charting its journey from the first competition in 1956 – just seven entrants, broadcast from a tiny venue in Switzerland with a studio audience of 200 – to the international extravaganza watched by 200 million viewers that it has become today."

  • Click here to buy the book.