Armenia: Interview with Aram MP3

by Michalis Vranis 809 views

The multi talented Armenian artist and comedian Aram MP3 was internally selected to represent Armenia at the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest. ESCToday got the chance to have a tete â tete with Aram MP3, the bookies’ hot favourite to win the Grand Prix next May.

In our chat with Aram we learn about Aram MP3 the artist, the actor and the person himself. He discloses further details about his Eurovision entry Not alone and reveals the other side of his personality.

What is the message of your song? What’s the story behind it? Give us some information about your participation this year.

One evening this melody suddenly came to my mind and I tried to sing it. All of a sudden the muse came to me when I was talking with my friends. That’s how the melody of Not alone was born. Garik Papoyan, my good friend and colleague, wrote the lyrics for it and the instrumental arrangement was done by Lilit Navasardyan. The genre of my song is a ballad and it is a very emotional one.  Though I am a positive and optimistic person, I always sing songs that mean something special to me.  Not alone calls people’s power to value whoever is dear for them and to fight for their love. No matter what difficult situations may happen in love relationships, they should feel that they are not alone in their feelings and emotions. I think this song will make people rethink what they really value in their lives.

Currently, your song is topping the bets to win the contest in May. Why do you think this is happening? How does your song appeal to the listener? Which of the listener’s senses does your song touch the most?

Well, this is happening because Not alone is made with human feelings and emotions. These are universal strings connecting people all over the world. Every Eurovision fan will find some special note in the song which is close to his/her heart and soul. I am trying to spread the idea of love and harmony in people’s relationships. Apart from the message, I can say that a very professional team has worked on the song and the popularity of the song proves that good music always finds its audience. I am really very touched by the feedback I keep on receiving from music lovers. This inspires me a lot!


Recently we got the chance to see the live performance of your Eurovision entry. How are you planning to present it on stage in May? Are you feeling nervous, tensed or excited whilst preparing for the staging of your entry in Copenhagen?

I have to confess… I feel nervous and excited every single time before going on stage. But I’m in love with all this excitement which is connected with the backstage and the on stage performance. There is a unique energy that comes to me during such moments, and that’s the reason I can’t imagine my life without performing. As to my Copenhagen show, I can only reveal one secret to you; I will be singing alone, without any backing vocalists. I hope you don’t mind if I keep the details of my performance as a surprise for the public. Hope you will appreciate it on 6 May!

Your song gives the clear message that nobody should feel alone. Do you think that sexual orientation or different skin color should be a reason for people to be or feel alone?

Even though people are used to my jokes regarding everything that surrounds me, my Eurovision song opens the other side of Aram Mp3 which is not very humoristic but rather emotional and sincere. This song expresses my feelings and thoughts. I really do think that one of the most wonderful things that can happen to humans is love. Love definitely doesn’t recognize religion, country, age or sex.

Due to an alleged joke you made regarding the Austrian Eurovision representative Conchita Wurst, which was reported in the European press, has stirred a mediatic storm across the continent. Could you please clarify this issue and share with us your views and opinion regarding this matter.

My song reminds everyone that they’re not alone. That’s my main message; I want everyone to know they’re not alone in the world, regardless of what country they come from, their religion or who they love. That is the most important idea I want to deliver to my audience. In my personal life and in my work, the respect for others is my guiding principle. Apart from being a musician, I’m also a comedian. Music and humor are inseparable parts of my life; I made some remarks recently in a humorous manner, which instead may have hurt the dear friends and fans. I really regret this and want to state clearly that I reject homophobia.

This year, many slow yet powerful songs will compete in the Eurovision Song Contest. Why and how do you think your song will stand out from the rest?

I agree with you, in 2014 Eurovision there are many strong entries. I am happy that I will meet so many talented musicians soon. My song is specific in terms of a unique mix of the lyrical part and the modern dubstep arrangement. Apart from this, the topic of love is universal and touches the hearts of people wherever they are and whatever they do. I hope that my sincere and open-hearted performance will bring me closer to the audience.

Eurovision is one of the most unpredictable contests, nevertheless many people believe that everything is predetermined and predecided. What are your plans for promoting your entry? How are you planning to make sure that everybody in Europe listens to your song and knows about it?

Actually, I haven’t invented anything new and I don’t have the magic stick to promote my song. The only thing I can do is to go and meet my audience, talk with them, dance and sing and get to know them. Let them know me and listen to my song. Everything is simple! I hope I will meet many new people during my concerts in Amsterdam, London, Hamburg, Paris and in the other European capitals. You can follow my FB page in order to be updated with the dates of my forthcoming concerts, where we can meet and talk with each other.

Please describe what do the following sentences mean to you:

  1. To participate

  2. To win

  3. To come second

If you are talking about participating, wining or coming second at Eurovision, I can say that all of them are connected with excitement, new people, performance, stage and music. The recognition and appreciation of my song by this moment has given me more that I could imagine when we were working on this song. All of this is an inspiration for me and I am happy to get this energy and keep working on my future projects.

What do you expect from your participation in the contest? (Remember that your  will only have 3 minutes to speak to millions of hearts through your song and performance when you take the stage)

All those lights and performances,  the stage and music are my passion. I feel an incredible energy when I am on stage. Music is a magical tool which opens people’s hearts and I hope my song will give me the chance to share my emotions with the listeners and make them feel that they are Not alone.

Do you have a message for esctoday’s readers and your fans in Europe?

Through my song I am trying to spread the idea of love, for humans to desire and fight for their love and to live in harmony. I wish everyone to find this situation of peace and love and value their beloved ones. I hope to meet my fans during my concerts in the European capitals. Join my Facebook page to stay updated on the venues and dates of our parties! See you soon somewhere in Europe!

ESCToday would like to thank Aram MP3 and AMPTV for giving us this interview. We wish Armenia the best of luck in Eurovison 2014!