Rumors are flying about this year’s stage design, so we have compiled some official and unofficial teasers running on social media!
The anticipation for this year’s stage design is somewhat bigger than the past few years. It could be for the fact that the venue is very different to what we are used to see, or that it is over 60 meters in height or maybe because DR stated numerous amount of times that it will be the size of the Moscow stage in 2009 which used 1/3 of the world’s LED screens!
On 26 October 2013, reported that the scenographer Claus Zier will be designing this year’s stage. The following day, the same source revealed that the stage will be an island in the middle of the B&W Halls.
The first official teaser came from DR when they stated that the rear wall of the stage will be made up of huge aluminium and iron boxes. These boxes were made on Refshaleøen and in February, they started entering the arena. Earlier this week, this video was released showing the rear wall in place and working.
In March, during the head of delegations meeting, several designs were seen in the background, particularly this one. In the design one can see, a diamond shaped stage and what about the rear wall…? A skeleton of boxes!
A few days ago, pictures of stage lights in red were revealed which strengthened the rumors that the stage will be diamond shaped. The pictures may have also given the idea that lights will also be placed in the middle of the audience.
It was all confirmed today, when DR released some pictures of how the stage will look. It is indeed in the shape of a diamond and will have over 1,200 square meters LED screens.
It is yet unknown if DR will do the same as last year and release computer generated stage design pictures. Last year, SVT released the official designs on 10 April 2013.
The Eurovision Song Contest 2014 will be held on the 6, 8 and 10 May 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Stay tuned to for the latest news from the Eurovision Song Contest 2014.