Live now: first Romanian semi final

by Marcus Klier 371 views

Tonight, six countries are going to hold a semi final in their national selections: Latvia, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Lithuania and Romania. As a warm-up, reminds you of what you can expect from tonight's shows. Here you can read more about the Romanian selection.

Selectia nationala 2007

Actually, 12 songs were supposed to compete in each semi final. Since Giulia Nahmanywas disqualified, only eleven entries will be presented tonight.Six songs out of each heat, chosen by a jury (50 %) and televoting (50 %), will qualify for the final. The eventual winner will then be chosen in the grand final on 10th February.

The interval act will include many Eurovision Song Contest all time favorites such as: Nel blu di pinto di blu (Volare), What's another year, Diva, Every way that I can and Congratulations performed by Romanian artists.

One of the highlights of the show is now taking place: a "boxing match". In the first one, Luminita, the Ruthless Nightingale ( Romania 2005) will enter the ring against actress Luiza, Fear of scale!

Webcast / satellite information

A webcast will be provided here.

Satellite information:

TVR:Hotbird 6 (13.0E) – 11623.00 V/ 27500
TVR: Eutelsat (16°E) -11471 V / 29950

The songs

You can listen to the songs here.

  1. Crazy – by Morandi and Wassabi, composer and author Marius Moga
  2. Music in my soul – by Jasmine, composer and author Adrian Cristescu
  3. Stay united – by Spitalul de urgenţă, composer Dan Helciug
  4. I will love you – by Trupa Respect, composer, author Walter Dionisie
  5. d/q
  6. Nu insista – by Daniela Răduică, composers Cristi Nistor, Daniela Răduică, authors Cristi Nistor, Daniela Raduică
  7. Where were you – by Desperado and Tony Poptămaş, composers Sandy Deac, Kovacsz Laszlo; authors Sandy Deac, Vlad Spătar, Ovidiu Buhătel, Tony Poptămaş
  8. Sinada – by New Effect feat. Moni-K, composer Bogdan Raul Vasile; authors: Bogdan Raul Vasile, Ionuţ Calara, George Lazăr
  9. Liubi, Liubi, I love you by Locomondo, composer Bogdan Marian Tascau, authors Marian Bogdan Tascau, Vlad Cretu, Ghedi Kamara
  10. Well-o-wee – by RedNex featuring Ro-Mania, composers Daniel Alexandrescu, Radu Fornea and Mircea Presel , authors Annika Ljungberg, Jens Sylsjö, Anders Lundström, Daniel Alexandrescu, Radu Fornea, Mircea Presel
  11. Dulce-amăruie – by Nico, composer Costi Ioniţă author Negrutu Consatntin
  12. Rubber Girl – by Gabi Huiban, composer Gabi Huiban, author Marius Nedelcu

You can find the complete line-up of the two heats here.


After much talking by a trio that look remarkably like LT United from Lithuania last year, the show is truly underway. Romania has one of the more modern selections of songs this year, and the first performance from Morandiand Wassabi withCrazyis underway.

Jasmine sang music in my soul second and received a huge ovasion from the audience after the performance before the hosts took us back to the greenroom to chat some more. Spitalul de urgenţă are third up with more than a hint of Turkey 2004 about the song!

Song four is Trupa Respect's I will love youand the performance may benefit from the sheer contrast between them and the previous performance. Song five will be by Daniela Răduică after Giulia Nahmany was disqualified earlier this week. Her song, Nu insistais the first non-english performance of the evening. After Daniela's performance, it's back to the greenroom for more chat, before the LT 3 on stage start waving around clipboards.

Desperado and Tony Poptămaş are up next and it won't be the last appearance of cowboy hats tonight. Country music is increasing in popularity across Europe at the moment andwhere were you?could do well.

From country and cowboy hats to dance and fluffy hotpants… Eurovision 2007 is truly underway now as New Effects club there way through the song. then it's Locomondo with a song that fans of Oliver! the musical may find in a pocket or two. One of the performers is dressed in a Faginesque outfit too, but the song is traditional yet different and highly popular in the hall.

Sweden's favourite country dance crazies are on next, it's the Rednex with well-o-wee accompanied by Ro Mania and the crowd go crazy too. A simple song with more country tones follows from Nico with a huge reception for a strong performance of a rare Romanian ballad. Gabi Huiban is now performing the final of tonight's 11 entries, Rubber girl.

The interval act has now started: Luminita Anghel (Romania 2005) sings her own version of Dana International's Diva (Israel 1998). The 2000 Romanian representatives, Taxi, are now on stage singing Johnny Logan's What's another year (Ireland 1980).

A new version of Congratulations, a song that was sung by Cliff Richard in the 1968 Eurovision Song Contest, is now performed. Now you can enjoy a new interpretation of Domenico Modugno's Nel blu, dipinto di blu (Italy 1958).

The televoting is now closed.

Now one of the higlights is taking place: a "boxing match". In the first one, Luminita, the Ruthless Nightingale ( Romania 2005) will enter the ring against actress Luiza, Fear of scale!

Another Eurovision Song Contest winner is performed: Sertab Erener's Everyway that I can (2003, for Turkey).

The boxing match has now finished – Lumita Anghelseems to be the winner!

If you are watching the webcast, feel free to post your reactions below.