UPD Estonia: Eurolaul videos online!

by Yiorgos Kasapoglou 230 views

The Estonian broadcaster, ETV, has released on line the final versions of the ten songs that will compete in Eurolaul 2007, the Estonian national final to select the nation's Eurovision Song Contest entry. Eurolaul is to be held on 3rd February.

A preview show of the songs will be shown on ETVnext 27th January and the final is going to be held on 3rd February. Starting and ending withKristjan Kasearu here is the running order for the Estonian final, Eurolaul 2007:

Click on each song to listen tothis year'sentries courtesy of ETV:

  1. Kristjan Kasearu & Paradise Crew So much to say
  2. Arne LauriSupreme nature
  3. Koit ToomeVeidi Veel
  4. LauraSunflowers
  5. Gerli PadarPartners in crime
  6. Vanilla NinjaBirds of peace
  7. Linda One year from now
  8. Soul MilitiaMy place
  9. InesIn good and bad
  10. Hele Kõre & Kristjan KasearuRomeo & Julia

UPDATE Click here to watch all videos courtesy of ETV. The videos are located on the upper right hand side of the page under Meelelahutus (Entertainment)