Tonight: Three nordic semi finals

by Marcus Klier 54 views

Tonight will be the first 'big' night of the 2007 national final season. Three nordic countries, Finland, Norway and Iceland are going to hold the first semi finals in their national selections. As a warm-up, reminds you of what you can expect from tonight's shows.

Finland: Euroviisut 2007- 1st semi final: 18:00 CET

You can read more here(the selection, webcast & satellite, the songs).

Norway: Melodi Grand Prix, 1st semi final: 20:20 CET

You can read more here(the selection, webcast & satellite, the songs).

Iceland: Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins 2007 – 1st semi final: 21:20 CET

You can read more here(the selection, webcast & satellite, the songs).

Finland won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006 for the first time with Lordi and Hard rock hallelujah. Norway and Iceland will have to compete in the semi final in Helsinki: Christine Gulbrandsen was 14th in the final with Alvedansen, while Sivia Night from Iceland missed the qualification for the final with Congratulations, finishing 13th.