Parodi Grand Prix 2007

by Tom Espen Hansen 134 views

This weekend is the first out of five weekends this spring with Parodi Grand Prix in Norway. On Friday 19th January, the first regional semi final will take place in Oslo. On Saturday 20th January, the first semi final in Bergen takes place.

The venue in Oslo is at Naken, and tickets are for sale at the door, wich opens at 2100 local time. The show begins at23:30 an six acts will compete for three places in the Oslo-final. Cover Chargeis 70 NOK.

Berit Bislett (Geir Lillejord of Queentastic) has written a Norwegian text to Shiri Maymon’s entry for Israel back in 2005. It’s called ‘Peace on earth’, and will be much like an overdose of nice things. The other artists vary from great singers to great humourists, all full of glitter and glomour. The original acts can all be found on youtube.

  • Berit Bislett – Fred på jorden (Israel 2005)
  • Christian – Fångad av en stormvind (Sweden1991)
  • Sweeter than tAtU – Ne ver’ ne bojsia (Russia 2003)
  • Erlend – Mama Corsica (France 1993)
  • Bjørn & Ronny – Du och jag mot världen (Sverige 2005)
  • Miss Trulte – L'amour s'en va (Monaco 1963)

The venue in Bergen isatThe Sailor, and tickets here costs 80 NOK and also include a showing of the first Norwegian Melodi Grand Prix semifinal shown on a big screen. Doors open at 20:00 and show starts at 23:00. The first entrant in Bergen, Lala, has also written her own lyrics to the Spanish winner from 1968, ‘La la la’. They are about how difficult it is to remember all the words in a song, so it is best just to sing la la la. In Bergen 5 contestants will fight for one direct place to the national final in Grighallen in May, while the others may get a second chance.

  • Lala – La la la (Spain 1968)
  • Camilla Hansen – Je t'adore (Belgium 2005)
  • Lulu and her lovers – Wild Dances (Ukraine 2004)
  • Gina Aspenes – Ein Lied kann eine Brücke sein (Germamy 1975)
  • Aud Huse – Invincible (Sweden 2006)