Kayo: “I was going to take nerve pills”

by Daniel Ringby 137 views

Kayo Shekoni, one of the three Swedish Afro-Dite girls, keeps a cool image – but really dreads going on stage.

Tonight is the night. Live broadcast to more than 100 million television viewers and 6,500 people in the audience in the Saku Suurhall. That is when Kayo considered taking nerve pills.
“The first ten seconds on stage will be the worst”; Kayo says.

Every movement, every note and every look into the camera will be seen by people in 34 countries and more than 100 million people. “I try to tell myself that this is not at all the biggest thing in my life”, Kayo says. “I did contemplate taking a couple of nerve pills before going on stage, but I dropped the idea again.”

Now Kayo seeks safety in her band members in Afro-Dite, Blossom Tainton and Gladys del Pilar.