Silvia goes stateside

by Richard West-Soley 105 views

Silvia Night, outspoken star of Iceland's Eurovision Song Contest entry for Athens, aims to release her first full-length album in the US this Autumn, according to reports.

In typical Silvia Night fashion, and remeniscent of the tongue-in-cheek cajoling and cursing which split audiences in Athens this year, the Icelandic comedienne explained her reasons for eyeing the US music market. "I’m going to do an album for the U.S. where people are actually nice and don’t smell like horse poo,” she says. And she adds, by way of reassurance for anxious American fans, “just don’t get too desperate because I am on my way."

Silvia, or rather her creator Ágústa Eva Erlendsdóttir, has been hard at work shooting for the new film Myrin, due for Icelandic release this October. In the film, she plays the dark role of a detective's daughter, a portrayal far from the glitz and glamour of Silvia's on-stage ego. By the time the film is released, Americans will know whether her promise to be on the way was honoured or not!

Richard West-Soley

Senior Editor

Richard's ESC history began way back in 1992, when he discovered the contest could fuel his passion for music and languages. Since then, it's been there at every corner for him in some way or another. He joined the team back in 2006, and quickly developed a love for writing about the contest. In his other life, he heads the development team at the learning resources company Linguascope, and writes about all aspects of language learning on the site