Andorra to stay in EBU, no Eurovision return planned

by Victor Hondal 2,438 views

Andorran public broadcaster RTVA will not be quitting the European Broadcasting Union after all, but an Andorran Eurovision comeback is not likely to happen in the near future. The head of government of the Principality, Antoni Martí, explained the situation of the Andorran broadcaster to the General Director of the EBU, Ingrid Deltenre, during a recent meeting held at the RTVA headquarters in Andorra la Vella.


The economic hardship and budget limitations lie behind Andorra’s absence from the Eurovision Song Contest since 2010, and a potential return to the competition is not foreseeable in the near future. However, the country’s public broadcaster RTVA will not withdraw from the European Broadcasting Union after all. Back in November 2011, it was announced that the RTVA EBU membership was going to be cancelled as a part of the broadcaster’s austerity plan.

The Andorran government issued an official statement after the meeting between Mr. Martí and Mrs. Deltenre stating the “commitment of Andorra to remain part of the EBU and deal with how small states can fit in this broadcasting organisation”.

Andorra debuted in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004 with Marta Roure and the song Jugarem a estimar-nos. The country never qualified for the final, with its best result coming in 2007 with the band Anonymous and Salvém el món. Andorra’s last representative in the contest to date was Susanne Georgi in 2009.


Source: Diari d’Andorra