Greece: ERT confirms Helena Paparizou as Greek spokesperson at ESC 2024

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 178 views

Dust off your glow sticks and grab your bouzouki because Eurovision just got a whole lot more dramatic! Get ready for a dose of Paparizou power, because the one and only Helena Paparizou, Greece’s glorious winner from 2005, is returning to the Eurovision scene!

This time, however, she won’t be belting out a chart-topping anthem. Instead, Helena Paparizou will be wielding the mighty microphone of spokesperson glory, revealing the fate of the hopeful contestants as she announces the Greek jury’s votes during the Grand Final on Saturday, May 11th.

The news, straight from the Greek national broadcaster ERT, sent shivers (and maybe a few fist pumps) down the spines of Eurovision fanatics. After all, who better to deliver Greece’s points than the woman who brought the entire competition home with her infectious bop, “My Number One“?

This isn’t Helena’s first foray back into the Eurovision spotlight. She previously graced the stage as a guest performer in 2006 and even tried her hand at representing Sweden in 2014 (justice for “Survivor,” anyone?).

But there’s something undeniably special about her return as spokesperson. It’s a chance to relive the magic of 2005, a victory that still holds a special place in Greek hearts (and living rooms).

So, mark your calendars, Eurovision fans! Because on May 11th, we’re not just voting for our favorite song – we’re getting a front-row seat to Paparizou pandemonium. Who knows, maybe she’ll even sneak in a little “My Number One” wiggle for good measure. Now that’s what we call a winning formula!

Helena in Eurovision

Helena Paparizou has represented Greece twice at the Eurovision Song Contest twice (2001, 2005), both times with flying colours (3rd, 1st). She remains the only Greek Eurovision winner till date. Paparizou broght the Eurovision trophy to Greek soil for  the very first time back in 2005 when Eurovision was held in Kyiv with her mega hit ‘My number one‘.

Helena has gone places since her Eurovision victory and is today one of the most sought after artists in the Greek music industry.

Source: ERT
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