Ukraine: UA:PBC to kick off ESC 2023 consultations with the EBU

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 977 views

The Ukrainian national broadcaster, UA:PBC, has announced that it will do its level best to hold the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in Ukraine.

Last Saturday saw Ukraine win the 2o22 Eurovision Song Contest with Kalush Orchestra’s ‘Stefania‘. The country has won the competition for the third time and is set to do its best to bring the competition back on home soil for the third time.

Mykola Chernotytskyi (Head of the Managing Board of UA: PBC) stated that the Public Broadcaster will do all its best to hold the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Ukraine. He said this during a press conference on 17 May in Lviv after the return of the Ukrainian delegation from Turin.

The head of the Ukrainian delegation at the Eurovision Song Contest, Oksana Skybinska, handed over a folder of documents to Mykola Chernotytskyi from which the Ukrainian preparations for the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest should begin.

Mykola Chernotystkyi ( UA:PBC Head of UA:PBC Managing Board) says:

I want to congratulate everyone on this victory. It is so great that Ukraine has won the Eurovision Song Contest for the third time, that we are joining the European family as much as possible.

I am very grateful to Kalush Orchestra and its frontman, Oleh Psiuk, for doing their best to prepare and perform in this difficult time.

I am infinitely grateful to Oksana Skybinska, the head of our delegation from Suspilne, who also withstood all these burdens and arranged all organizational things to make our presentation at the Eurovision Song Contest at the highest level.

Mykola adds:

We received fantastic viewing indicators both on television and on digital platforms, broadcast by Radio Promin.

Now we face another challenge – to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Ukraine.

If in other countries this concerns the matters of infrastructure and funding, in our country, for sure, we also have an important security factor. And I can announce that on Friday we are starting consultations with the European Broadcasting Union about hosting the Eurovision Song Contest 2023.

Regarding if Ukraine would be able to host the competition in the current circumstances afflicting the country Mykola commented:

We are doing our best, and I hope that the state will also support us in holding the Eurovision Song Contest here.

I hope that the Eurovision Song Contest will be held in peaceful Ukraine.

However, I am saying once again that the security factor is important and the final decision will be taken together with the European Broadcasting Union.

It will be a difficult negotiation, I am already sure of that.

However, let me remind you that even in 2017, when the Eurovision Song Contest took place in Kyiv, there was quite a big discussion. For example, then Ukraine pledged the so called financial guarantee of 15 million euros.

In case something suddenly goes wrong, another country would hold the competition with these funds. Therefore, this issue is much more complex than just a wish. I am convinced that we need to do all our best so that the Eurovision Song Contest should take place in Ukraine.

Oleh Psiuk (Kalush Orchestra lead singer) says:

Many countries have already conveyed the message that they can host the Eurovision Song Contest if we do not succeed. But I hope that we will host the Eurovision Song Contest in a happy, rebuilt and strong country.

The Ukrainian national broadcaster will begin talks and consultations regarding the 2023 Eurovision hosting on Friday 20 May. It is early days yet in order to determine if Ukraine will host the competition next year due to the ongoing war in the country and the current situation afflicting the country. A number of countries have showcased their interest in hosting the competition if Ukraine is unable to host it, one of them is Spain.

Throughout the history of the Eurovision Song Contest several countries have declined hosting the event the following year and the competition has been hosted by another country and broadcaster, such has been the case in 1956, 1959, 1962, 1971, 1973 and 1979.

The EBU and the Reference Group will evaulate all the options and make a final descion throughout the course of the summer after consulting with UA:PBC and the competing broadcasters.

The 2022 Eurovision Song Contest was held on 10, 12 and 14 May at the Pala Olimpico in Turin, Italy. A total of 40 countries partook in the competition. Ukraine was crowned the winner of the competition with Kalush Band’s ‘Stefania’.

Source: UA:PBC
Photo credit: UA: PBC.