Eurovision 2022: RAI unveils the hosts!

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 2,050 views

RAI, the Italian national broadcaster, has unveiled one of the biggest mysteries surrounding the upcoming Eurovision edition in Turin! Ladies and gentlemen habemus hosts!

Alessandro Cattelan, Laura Pausini and Mika will have the grand honour of hosting the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin.

All three hosts have shared their thoughts on hosting the forthcoming 2022 Eurovision Song Contest in Turin on the official Eurovision website

Laura Pausini says:

I am happy that Eurovision is finally back in Italy and honoured to lead such an important event, together with my friends Mika and Ale!

Together we want to show Europe and the world our extraordinary country. For me, 2022 has started with new music and this fantastic appointment. I want to face Eurovision, a musical event par excellence in Europe and one of the most important television shows in the world, with the same energy that has accompanied me throughout my career. We are ready … and, indeed, we can’t wait!’

Alessandro Catellan says:

It is an honour to have been called to host Eurovision 2022, it is one of the most followed and well-known shows in the world and this year organising it in Italy represents a great opportunity and a historic event for our country.

I have known Laura Pausini and Mika for some time, we have already worked together and we have always had a lot of fun. And I’m sure it will be the same this time too.

Mika says:

More than ever I believe in the importance of an international community, in our common values. I believe in the union of people, in breaking down the walls to celebrate our similarities as much as our differences. We can do it thanks to music, which is the most universal form of expression. Eurovision is this and so much more!

I’ve been watching it since I was a kid, the whole family would get together for the Grand Final. Once a year, more than 40 countries share the same emotions, regardless of history or the political situation: music unites them. It’s an exciting honour to be one of the masters of ceremony on these fantastic nights.

About the charming hosts

  • Laura Pausini has much fame, name and recognition both at home and overseas having released numerous albums througout her long career.
  • Alessandro Catellan is one of Italy’s most sought after tv hosts having hosted many shows both on private and public Italian tv channels.
  • Mika who hails from Lebanon, is an internationally acclaimed singer and composer who has a global appeal. He speaks several languages fluently: French, Spanish, English, Italian etc. He currently lives and works in Italy.

The clock is ticking….

Turin is very pleased to host Europe’s favorite television show for the very first time in the history of the Eurovision Song Contest. Italy is all set to welcome the Eurovision bandwagon for the third time, having hosted the event in Naples (1965) and Rome (1991).

The clock is ticking as the countdown to the upcoming Eurovision edition has kicked off with circa 40 nations slated to compete in Turin!

RAI and the Italy are gearing up in full steam to host the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest. Both the City of  Turin and the Italian national broadcaster are working round the clock in order to showcase an extraordinary dazzling show next May.

The 2022 Eurovision Song Contest is scheduled to be held on 10, 12 and 14 May at the Pala Olimpico in Turin, Italy.

Photo credit: RAI