Eurovision 2020: Maastricht or Rotterdam; which city has the best venue?

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 4,239 views

Earlier this week the 2o20 Eurovision Committee visited the two candidate cities, Rotterdam and Maastricht, in order to check out the potential venues, side event locations, infrastructure and logistics . But which city stood out in its presentation? Which candiate has the best venue? Let’s check out the latest reports from the Netherlands.

Where will the stage be placed? Is there enough space to fit in the Green Room? Which venue or space will house the press centre? How many lights and cables can fit on the roof? What is the plan of action for the Eurovision side events? Where is the city planning to have the Red Carpet and Opening Ceremony? How will the city welcome the 40 plus delegations? Which venue will house the Euroclub?  etc. These are some of the many questions both Rotterdam and Maastricht have to answer in the coming days.

This week saw the 2020 Eurovision Organizing (NPO, NOS, AVROTROS) body travel to Maastricht and Rotterdam where they visited the two potential ESC 2020 venues ( MECC Maastricht and Rotterdam Ahoy). In the last few days both cities have pulled everything out of the closet in order to showcase themselves as the best candidate to host the event.

This week’s  work meetings concentrated mainly on the potential venues’  infrastructure, technical and logistic facilities. Both candidate cities made a detailed presentation of themselves and presented their plans to host the Eurovision Song Contest. Herefater NPO’s delegation was taken on a tour of the venues to check out the halls, infrastructure, facilities, logistics, technicalities etc.

The 2020 Eurovision Host City Bid Process is approaching its last and final leg, as only two cities remain in contention and the final choice will be made in the coming weeks.

Both the Rotterdam Ahoy and MECC Maastricht meet the EBU’s requirements and have enough space to host the live Eurovision shows as well as the required area to house the dressing rooms, Press Centre, Delegation Bubble etc.

One of the most important requirements for a venue to be eligible to host the competition, is that the main hall  should be large enough to accommodate at least 10,000 spectators and a large stage. In the past seven Eurovision editions the venue’s roof was at least 17 meters high.

Both Rotterdam and Maastricht have been given time to adjust their plans after this week’s working visits.


Rotterdam is vying to host Eurovision 2020 at the Rotterdam Ahoy. After NPO’s visit the Rotterdam Ahoy was pleased with the outcome:

This room is built to do this!

  • Venue capacity:  circa 11,000 – 12,000 spectators
  • Floor surface area : 3,300 m2
  • Roof height: circa 23 meters


Maastricht is vying to host Eurovision 2020 at the MECC Maastricht. The City of Maastricht presented its plans to NPO via a virtual tour.

  • Venue capacity : circa 11,000 – 12,000 spectators
  • Floor surface area: 10,225 m2
  • Roof height: circa 16 meters

Check out NOS’ special coverage from this week’s visits to Rotterdam and Maastricht below:

Which city will win the bid?

Both Rotterdam and Maastricht have prepared very strong bids to host the competition next year. Both the Rotterdam Ahoy and MECC Maastricht comply with the EBU’s requirements and conditions to host Eurovision.

Both cities have secured 3,000 hotel room and are willing to make a substantial financial contribution in order to host the event.

More meetings are scheduled to be held between NPO and the two potential host cities in Hilversum in the coming weeks. The 2020 Eurovision Committee has a hard task ahead to deliberate the 2020 ESC Host City. Which city will win the bid and bring the Eurovision Song Contest home? We will have to wait a little longer…..

The 2019 Eurovsision Song Contest Host City will be unveiled by mid August.

Source: NOS