The preparations for the forthcoming 2020 Eurovision Song Contest are in full swing in the Netherlands, with nine cities daring to dream of hosting the competition next year. Namely Rotterdam seems to be quite keen to welcome the Eurovision bandwagon come 2020 and is quite optimistic of organizing the mega event according to the latest local media reports in the host country.
The City of Rotterdam is quite optimistic about welcoming the Eurovision glam and glitz in 2020:
We’re going to work hard!
Rotterdam is full of optimism about organizing the Eurovision Song Contest. This afternoon the schedule of requirements arrived at Rotterdam’s City Hall, which has to be completed for the mega-event in May 2020. It contains, among other things, the conditions imposed on the Rotterdam Ahoy, accessibility, safety and the availability of hotel rooms etc.
A spokesperson for Rotterdam’s Municipality says:
We are now going to breed with the whole team, because we want to lay a golden egg.
It is clear that people from Rotterdam are also enthusiastic about the music spectacle. The municipality is flooded with offers from citizens and entrepreneurs who are keen to contribute to such a mega event in Rotterdam. And moreover after the 2019 Dutch Eurovision winner Duncan Laurence has expressed his preference for Rotterdam as the 2020 ESC host city, the mood is more optimistic than ever.
The City of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Ahoy have been working hard for weeks on the bid book, which can bring the competition to Rotterdam in 2020. Recently, Rotterdam’s Councilor for Tourism, Mr. Said Kasmi (D66, Tourism) said that this document was ‘80% ready‘. The Rotterdam portofilio/bid must be submitted to the NOS, NPO and AVROTROS committee at the beginning of July.
A total of nine cities/regions have officially applied to host the event next year. In addition to Rotterdam, these are Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Maastricht / Limburg, Arnhem, Breda, Den Bosch and Leeuwarden / Friesland.
All proposals must be submitted 10 July 2019 at the latest. They are then assessed for, among other things, the available location, capacity and technical facilities, accommodation, infrastructure and accessibility. The organization intends to unveil the names of the 2020 Eurovision host city in August.
The spokesperson for Rotterdam Municipality says:
It is important that we make a realistic bid and it must be in line with our city. We are not a traditional city with clogs, tulip bulbs and canals. If it is a city with an innovative and worldly character, with top facilities and infrastructure, then we have confidence in a successful outcome.
The planners want to turn things around if the city is chosen to host the song contest:
It goes without saying that we want to turn the Rotterdam Song Contest into a party for the entire city. Not just for the happy few with a ticket, but really for everyone.
The expectation is that the City of Rotterdam will receive a substantial boost in all kinds of areas.
The figures around earlier editions underline the economic value and enormous contribution to the marketing of the city. It always provides a significant economic boost. Consider employment and thousands of hotel stays. The hotel sector, hospitality, cultural institutions and marketing in particular will be able to benefit from it.
All under the same roof
According to NOS, the Rotterdam Ahoy is working round the clock and preparing its bid. The venue has been in touch with former Eurovision host cities and venues in order to find out what to expect and how to prepare for hosting the competition.
A spokesperson for Rotterdam Ahoy says:
They can tell us exactly how much space we need and how long the location must be available. But also what is coming to Rotterdam as a city?
We really think that we have a very good chance. Certainly in terms of space, we must succeed. The Ahoy Arena can accommodate around 16,000 people. And we have a very high space that fits a high stage. We also have 30,000 square meters halls where, for example, journalists can work. And all under one roof!
Safety and Accomodation
A spokeswoman for the NPO states that the schedule of requirements is full of technical specifications, such as the load per square meter ceiling of a concert hall and cable ducts. Important part is the minimum size that a complex, in which the song contest should be held:
But I assume Ahoy can handle that. Cities must also indicate what they are doing about safety and accessibility.
According to her, whether or not there is an airport nearby is not a requirement:
Given the size of the Netherlands, every place is relatively easily accessible. Moreover, visitors to the Eurovision Song Contest do not come for one day, but often stay there for a longer period.
Delegations also usually stay for three weeks. Then it does not matter if it is a half hour or an hour and a half drive. What we do want to know is how many hotel rooms a city has available.
The potential host cities now have four weeks to work through the entire package. “Questions can also be asked during that period,” the explanation is. The bid book must be submitted by 10 July 2019. All submissions will then be assessed, after which a decision is set to be made in August.
The 2020 Eurovision Song Contest will be co-produced by three Dutch public broadcasters AVROTROS, NOS and NPO in liason with the EBU.
The dates of the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest are yet to be confirmed and unveiled.
The Netherlands will have the honour of hosting the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest thanks to Duncan Laurence‘s epic Eurovision victory in Tel Aviv.