Watch now: Second semi-final of Eurovizija 2019 in Lithuania

by Eliza-Jane Oliver 615 views

The second semi-final of Eurovizija 2019, Lithuania’s selection process for Eurovision 2019 takes place tonight.

This is the penultimate show in the seven part competition to decide who goes to Eurovision 2019 for Lithuania, they have previously held four heats and one other semi-final, and the show concludes next week with the grand final.

Tonight we will see twelve acts perform, they are:

  1. Šarūnas Mačiūlis – Traukinys
  2. AldegundaI want your love
  3. Jurgis DID & Erica JenningsSing!
  4. Original CopyPower of sounds
  5. Paola Hart –  I’ll be alright
  6. Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio Dantys – Mažulė
  7. MaNNazzBlind bird
  8. JurijusRun with the lions
  9. Soliaris & Foreign SoulsSong of my life
  10. Živilė GedvilaitėLearn from your love
  11. Alen ChiccoYour cure
  12. Monika MarijaCriminal

Interestingly, this is Monika Marija‘s second entry in the competition, she has already reached the final with her song Light on. 

Four acts from tonight’s show will move forward to the Grand final, which takes place on 23 February. The results will be decided by a 50/50 split of public and jury voting.

How to watch

The show will air tonight at 20:00 CET (21:00 local time) and you may watch it through:

  • LRT Lituanica
  • LRT Televizija HD
  • Live from LRT’s official page