Poland: Isis Gee talks to esctoday.com

by Russell Davies 246 views

Following the release of her new single How about that, Isis Gee, the Polish representative in the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest spoke to esctoday.com. In this exclusive interview Isis discusses her change in musical direction, working on her new album with leading Swedish producer Anders Hansson in Sweden and her experience as a participant in the Eurovision Song Contest.

esctoday.com: Hi Isis. Firstly, I would like to say how wonderful it is to see IssGee back again in the music scene.

Isis: Thank you so much πŸ™‚ It’s great to be back!

esctoday.com: Can you tell me what you have been up too since your participation inthe 2008 Eurovision Song Contest?

Isis: Actually, I never really left the scene but have been diligently focusing on writing new material and working on a new album. My husband and I have been working with a fabulous team of song writers/producers in the US and Sweden. I wrote How About That and we completed the production with Anders Hansson, the master mind behind writing such mega hits as Release Me and On and On”for Agnes Carlsson.

esctoday.com: Isis, your new video for How About That shows a complete departurefor the first album Hidden Treasure and your Eurovision entry For Life. Can you tell us more about this fabulous transformation?

Isis: The transformation is subtle, but it definitely embraces my roots on many levels growing up listening to Whitney Houston, Donna Summers, The Bee Gee’s… I love this kind of energetic music, but I also really love power ballads. So, this album ultimately attains a new sound with an edge while also incorporating big ballads. I have grown as an artist and I am excited and ready for this departure πŸ™‚

Isis Gree: How about that – video


esctoday.com: Are you more comfortable being the classy ballad singer or the disco diva?

Isis: Oh you are so kind πŸ™‚ I am very comfortable with this transition actually and I think you can attain being a classy torch ballad singer while also picking up the tempo so to speak with other material. After all, who wants to only hear ballads on an album or at a concert… We also want to shake our tail feathers too πŸ™‚ There seems to be a big void in this arena. The album and concerts will ultimately take the fans on a fantastic emotional journey! I figure, why not get people out there both dancing AND feeling emotions of a power ballad. It can be achieved. We all want to be moved on many levels as humans. I am honored to have the opportunity in exploring this kind of depth and versatility in my career by picking up the pace a little bit, yet still staying true to my passion of writing and performing ballads.

esctoday.com: Did you have fun making the video for How About That?

Isis: I had a complete blast, thanks for asking! The crew was amazing and everybody did a fabulous job. We were in Brindisi, Italy. In reference to the Italian map, it is almost at the tip of the heel πŸ™‚ It was really warm. My favorite breaks involved eating frutti di mare and drinking a glass of wine by the sea with my amazing husband. My favorite shots in the video were in the air force hanger with the fantastic dancers. It was 5am when we wrapped, but man… we had an amazing time!

esctoday.com: I understand that your currently working on a whole album of upbeatdance/pop music with Anders Hansson in Sweden. Can you tell me moreabout this this project and how was it working with legendary Swedish producer?

Isis: Anders is brilliant and he is inspiring to work with. He is a perfectionist like my husband and I are, so we are all on the same page so to speak. He is an amazing song writer, as well as producer. As I mentioned before, the album will not only be about pop/dance music but it contains a hand full of ballads as well. We are aiming for a Whitney/Celine approach meeting a futuristic Donna Summer πŸ™‚

esctoday.com:As songwriter, producer, arranger, programmer, string arranger andengineer of your own music, can you tell me process behind writing andproducing one of your own songs.

Isis: The musical journey is a constant learning process. I want to push boundaries and always reinvent myself as an artist. Sometimes I can be a little too close to the songs I have written, and that is why additional ears are absolutely crucial for further development of the sound.

esctoday.com: Back in 2008 you represented Poland in the Eurovision Song Contest. How would you summarise this experience?

Isis:I feel humbled to have had the honor and the opportunity to represent Poland. The Eurovision Song Contest was definitely another incredible life experience which helped to shape who I have become, not only as an artist.. but as a person.

esctoday.com:What was the high points and low points of your Eurovision experience?

Isis: Well, I can say that I’m very happy that after 2008 the voting system was changed. It is very important to protect this wonderful Contest from any political objectives. I have realized how many amazing people around the world are true fans of Eurovision. The opportunity to meet so many incredible and loving people was ultimately one of the most beautiful experiences that I would never trade for anything in the world.

esctoday.com: Would you consider taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest again in the future?

Isis: Anything is possible πŸ™‚

esctoday.com: Away from your musical career you have been involved in the international launch off a new luxurious cosmetic brand NEBU Milano. What has this involved?

Isis: This has been an amazing process. The brand has so many luxurious products from outstanding skin care to an array of color cosmetics. I use it everyday and can say wholeheartedly… Everything from the skin care to the shimmery bronzers, lipsticks and glosses are absolutely aaamazing. In fact, last month we were in LA and people were constantly asking me what lip gloss and skin cosmetics I was wearing. It felt great to say NEBU and of course it doesn’t hurt that it’s an luxurious Italian brand πŸ™‚ Promoting the brand has been a sincere honor and has involved living in Italy, which of course has been truly incredible. It is amazing being a face and spokesperson for the such a high class brand which will be launched this year!

esctoday.com: Finally, Isis, do you have a message for esctoday.com readers?

Isis: I just want to reach out and send all of my Love to all of You Eurovision fans and wish You an amazing 2011! I can’t wait for you to hear the new music. Lots of Love and Kisses!!!

esctoday.com: Thanks Isis and welcome back!