Katrina Leskanich, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1997 for the United Kingdom, is offering her fans, friends and colleagues a free mp3 download of her new track All that matters to me.
Last year was a busy one for the 1997 Eurovision winner. It marked the 25th anniversary of Katrina's international hit Walking on sunshine and to celebrate the occasion, the artist recorded her first live album called Katrina Leskanich – The Live Album. The album contains both new and old songs and today, Katrina is offering her fans, friends and colleagues a free mp3 download of one of the new tracks, All that matters to me. To get your free pm3 send an email here with the subject: Send me my free mp3.
Katrina is currently working on her new album which she will start recording in the Norwegian capital next week. Throughout February and March, Katrina will be touring Norway, Sweden, Austria and Croatia. The artist has launched a new Facebook page where her fans will be able to find exclusive behind the scenes material, photos and videos from her shows. You can join Katrina's page on Facebookhere.