Malta: New format for Eurovision Festival 2011

by Edward Montebello 78 views

The Maltese national broadcaster, PBS, published the regulations for the Malta Eurovision festival 2011. As reported earlier last week the next Maltese selection will feature drastic changes though the format is similar to that in recent years.

The next Maltese selection will be divided intro three phases. The first phase will commence immediately after the submission deadline. In the initial phase all songs submitted will be judged by a panel of experts appointed by the national broadcaster. The first judging phase will take place behind closed doors and the jury will listen to the songs on CD.A number of songs not disclosed yetwill make it through phase one and will be performed in front a jury in phase two. In this phase all artists will perform the songs live behind closed doors.

Twenty-four songs will make it through to the final phase (part 1). The 24th finalist will be the winner of last year’s L-Isfida. Should the latter not participate the next song in line from phase two, eligible to participate, will qualify. Singers having submitted multiple interpretations will only be allowed to compete with two songs in the final phases. The 24 songs will be televised on a show broadcasted by PBS. The jury will have a weight of 75% while the public vote will have the remaining 25%.

Sixteen songs will qualify to the final expected to take place in February. In the final phase the winning song will be chosen through 60% expert jury and 40% public vote. Meanwhile the new regulations say that the winner of the past three Maltese selections is not allowed to compete in the Malta Eurovision Festival 2011. This means that neither Morena, Chiara nor Thea Garrett can submit songs for the next selection. Maltese composers and authors can submit up to four songs but foreign writers can compete with two entries.

The Maltese broadcaster will be accepting songs for two days only, on the 25th and 26th November.

More information can be found by clicking here. Last year Malta was represented by Thea Garrett with the song My dream.