Austria: Nathan Trent releases Won’t Let You Go

by Stefano 943 views

He was one of the public-proclaimed cute guys of the Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev. With his enthusiasm and never-ending smile, he brought his Running on air to the Grand Final ranking 16th. Good vibes are coming from his latest single, Won’t let you go.

Nathan Trent is back, and we are all happy about it. Only a few months after singing Running on air on the Eurovision Stage in Kiev, Nathan has published his latest single: Won’t let you go.

As specified by the singer, the song is not about one person in particular, it is rather about a feeling. The feeling of being a musician.

The song is a collaboration with the duo of producers Poptracker.

The singer announced the news on his Facebook account. But wait, there’s more! Nathan also suggested that he will be releasing an EP with five new songs by this spring.

Proud to announce my new single “Won’t Let You Go” feat. @poptracker! Coming out January 19th. Cant wait for you to hear it! #newsong #new

Geplaatst door Nathan Trent op maandag 15 januari 2018

Watch the official video here:

Nathan Trent in Eurovision

Nathan Trent was internally selected to represent Austria at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine. His song, Running on air, qualified to the Grand Final finishing at the 16th place with a total of 93 points.

Watch again the performance of Nathan Trent in Kiev: