Live: First quarter final in Slovakia

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The first quarter final of Eurosong 2010, Slovakia's selection method to determine the country's representative in the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, is about to be held. Ten entries will compete for four spots in the semi finals. The voting procedure for the quarter finals is 100% televoting. The element of 50% jury voting will be added in the first semi final, to be held on February 14th.

How to watch?

A webcast is provided here .


Composer/Lyricist in brackets.

  1. TomášBezdedaNa strechách domov
    (T. Bezdeda/M. Hajšová)
  2. Dreamtouch Je to ok
    (M. Hybben/A. Bajcurová, M. LukáÄ�, Ľ. Liba)
  3. Horská ChataMyslíš, že vieš kto som
    (Horská chata/P. Cingel)
  4. Michaella O nás
    (V. Gnepa/S. KašÄ�áková)
  5. Hrdza Taká sa mi páÄ�i
    (S. Gibarti)
  6. Six and Kristy Priestor pre dvoch
    (M. Karas)
  7. Richard Ä�anaky & FBIZlomené krídla
    (R. �anaky)
  8. Margot Tak ma hrej
    (D. Urban)
  9. Michal ChrenkoKto vlastne som
    (M. Chrenko/N. Jurika, M. Brezáni)
  10. Lucia Olešová Rok a pol
    (T. LaurinÄ�ík/D. Giertl)

Your opinion

  • You can vote for your favourite song in our poll here.


The show will start at 20:15 CET.

Unfortunately, due to technical problems, we cannot provide a live report tonight. However, stay tuned for the results to be published as soon as possible.