2002 rules to be released in September

by Sietse Bakker 94 views

The European Broadcasting Union hopes to release the rules for the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest by the end of September.

Christine Marchal said to ESCOL: “I am currently working on the new rules, and they will have to be reviewed by the reference group at their next meeting on September 20, so they should be issued at the end of September”

The EBU are continually developing the contest and have revealed plans for a rebranding of the contest in their 2001 annual report., Marchal states: “We are currently in the process of designing a contest logo, which will be the same each year, together with a 'universal' title for the contest which is currently known by different names in different countries. From 2002, we are considering starting to use the name 'Eurosong'”.

While publishing this message, the EBU changed the name 'Eurosong' on their website back to 'Eurovision Song Contest', so it is not clear what they want.

Thanks to ESCOL.