Song and artist selection begins in October

by Juha Repo 527 views

Also the Lithuanian national broadcaster LRT has published their rules for the selection of the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest entry. The contest is only open to Lithuanian citizens and permanent residents. The songs can be submitted until 1 October 2012.

The selection process will once again consist of televised qualifying heats and a national final. The winner will be decided by a combination of jury and telephone votes. The first televised shows will air already in October this year.

This year applications will also be accepted from interested performers without a song as well as songwriters who haven’t got a performer for their song. Experience shows, that such a selection method greatly expands the options, says LRT head producer Audrius Giržadas.

The candidates must submit the following to the selection committee of LRT:

-a free form covering letter stating the personal data of the artists and songwriters entering, including copies of Lithuanian passports or residency permits
-a Curriculum Vitae for the artist(s) and the songwriter(s)
-song lyrics
-performer photos
-a recording of the song (CD)
-song copyright documents and permission to use the song

The address is
Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija
Muzikos redakcija
S. Konarskio g. 49