The song submission has been opened also in Denmark and will finish on already 24 September at 12.00 noon (CET). The Danish national broadcaster DR has also encouraged foreign songwriters to submit songs for the 2013 Dansk Melodi Grand Prix (DMGP).
DR will select 6 songs from an open selection, and a further 3 to 4 songs will be specially invited to DMGP, so there will be 9 or 10 songs in the final. The date and the venue of the final have not been announced yet.
Even if DR on their website welcomes submissions from foreign songwriters, the rules also state that either the composer, the lyricist or an artist must have a strong connection to Denmark, like several years’ permanent residence in the country or a marriage or partnership with a Dane.
The rules and entry form (in English) are on the website. Songs are only accepted on CD, which will not be returned. The entries must arrive at DR Byen by 12.00 on 24 September, and can also be delivered to the reception of the Danish TV offices.