Unstoppable: The phenomenal success of Conchita Wurst

by Daniel Doyle 992 views

2014 Eurovision Song Contest

Conchita had her first rehearsal on 30th April

Despite the rehearsal going well reports were coming in about Russia, Ukraine and Belarus asking for Conchita to withdraw. However with Conchita being well supported it appeared the news didn’t have an effect on her. Later that day she describe to the Austrian broadcaster ORF her feelings when she took to the stage:

“When I got there for the first time on this gigantic stage, I really had to fight back tears. I just thought “Now you’re where you always wanted.” I think that the production is done very well and the production team has done a great job. Now it’s really just about the finishing touches”. – Conchita Wurst
Conchita’s second rehearsal took place on May 3 after spending a few days seeing the sights of Copenhagen with esctoday.com head of press Sergio. Sergio also had the chance to get an exclusive interview with Ms Conchita Wurst to.

Second rehearsal

During the reception at the Austrian Embassy in Copenhagen, ESCToday was there and met with Conchita. A long conversation took place where Conchita shared her thoughts about

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