First song titles known in Finland

by Ilari Karhapää 413 views

The first song titles in Finland are finally released. YLE announced the names of the artist in November, and the full song list should be out at latest January 5th, 2007. Lovex, one of the contenders reveals in an interview to Soundi magazine, that their working titles for their entries are Anyone Anymore and Wild And Violent. They are currently in studio and songs should be ready before Christmas.

Lordi has been dominating the musical year 2006 in Finland but also bands like HIM, von Hertzen Brothers, Children of Bodom and most of all Eurovision Song Contest 2007 hopefuls Lovex have had a very successful year.

Lovex released their debut album Divine Insanity in March and recently a limited edition version was releasedwith bonus tracks and dvd. Their Guardian Angel has been one of the most played songs on radio and number one in the charts. Recently they made a record deal with a German GUN Records so they might soon follow Lordi, HIM, Negative, Nightwish and The Rasmus as internationally known Finnish bands.

Our only aim in Euroviisut, or the Finnish national selection, is to win and then the whole thing Eurovision Song Contest ” says band’s singer Theon, “why else would we be there? We have a huge fan base so surely it helps, even if some of our fans are against our participation and say they won’t vote us! Hey, hello?”.

He also says honestly that without Lordi they wouldn’t even consider participating. “Some of our members were not so thrilled by the idea either, until they realized what a huge opportunity this is to make our music heard at once by millions of people all over Europe”.

Euroviisut changed also the band'stimetable. “Instead of holidays we have been working on these songs for the new album since November and have five ready now. We must get the new album out soon enough after Euroviisut or it would be a wasted opportunity. We haven’t changed our music to any direction for Eurovision. One of the songs is the one we had planned as the first single anyways.”

Lovex are besides singer Theon (24) Vivian Sin’amor (guitar), Sammy Black (guitar), Christian (keyboards), Jason (bass) and Julian Drain (drums). Obviously all names are stage names. The band started in winter 2001-2002 and has been in recent formation since 2004. Their debut single was released in 2005. They chose the name Lovex as “it must be the most stupid, or best, band name ever”. Often compared to HIM and Negative, their music is somewhere between 80’s and 90’s boybands and heavy rock and their image appeals to teenage girls.

Click the play icon below to watch Lovex' promotional video of the song Guardian angel.