Svante to Estonia: Eurovision is a non political event

by Stella Floras 74 views

Svante Stockselius, executive supervisor of the Eurovision Song has commented on the news of high Estonian officials debating whether the country should boycott the next Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Russia, due to the latest conflict between the host country and Georgia.

Earlier this week, Estonian Minister of Culture Laine Jänes supported a proposal by chairman of ERR Margus Allikmaa stating that the country should boycott the Eurovision Song Contest due to the political situation between Russia and Georgia. Mr Stockselius feels that the Eurovision Song Contest is a non-political event and that politicians do not have the right to decide whether to boycott it or not. "These issues should not be linked. We are organizing a non-political event and if the hosting country is able to ensure the safety of participants, there is no reason why it should not be allowed to host the finals," said Svante.

Mr Stockselius also added that it is entirely up to the country to decide whether they wish to participate or not. It has happened many times in the past that countries take a break from the contest to return later.

Stella Floras

Thanks to Johnny Logan and Hold me now I fell in love with the Eurovision Song Contest, a love that's been going strong ever since with undiminished passion. My first memories date back to 1977 and the lyrics of Rock bottom, Dschinghis Khan and A ba ni bi are still engraved in my brain.

I joined in 2006 as a junior editor after being invited by Barry Viniker, I soon became Senior Editor and during the 2007 contest in Helsinki I was appointed Head of Communications. Today I hold the post of Head of Human Resources and I am proud to be working with the best editorial team in the world.