British and Dutch media: “Estonia too poor”

by Sietse Bakker 451 views

We simply don”t know ! Will the Eurovision Song Contest be in Estonia next year or will another country organise the contest ? Yesterday, Irish media confirmed participation but the British media said that ETV is too poor. Dutch media copied this message. Eurovision fans are lost in the dark now.

“The Estonian public-service television company, ETV, has been refused a loan by the government to meet the £3 million cost of holding the event, despite the morale-boosting effect that the triumph has had on the 1.5 million population”, the British newspaper Telegraph wrote.

The Dutch news website also wrote that Malta offered to host the contest in 2002. Eurovision fans spread in their mailing lists that “according to the reports Malta and possibly Holland were ready to step in…the story was triggered by the Estonian press in an apparent attempt to embarrass the Estonian government by claiming that a smaller country was prepared to host the contest”. Tomorrow (Tuesday) it will made public if ETV will host the contest or not.